2018/09/09 - Lizard Skin
I decided to add a spray-on insulator to my GTM. The brand I chose was Lizard Skin, https://www.lizardskin.com/car-ceramic-insulation.html. Apparently, this stuff makes a BIG difference in comfort level, and adds a bit of a sound deadening effect too. I'll be installing Dynamat later on, too.
I borrowed the spray gun and mixer from Tim (thanks Tim!), and masked off any parts of the car I didn't want coated. I fired up the compressor to 70 psi, connected it up, and sprayed away!
Mixing the goop (warning, LOUD. Compressor was running in the background):

Warning: LOUD video
Masking with drop cloth and tape:
After spraying:
Estimated time: 3 hours